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Monday, October 28, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Belly Fat in 3 Weeks

If you're tired of not losing belly fat, then here's what you need to do in order to overcome your belly fat problem. This is exactly what I am going to share with you on 2 tips on how you can lose weight fast in your belly area.

Lose Belly Fat Tip #1

Eat fibre fruits before every meal. By eating high fibre fruit before your meal not only will provide you fibre that will help in your digestion but it also fills you up so that you do not need to eat as much in your main meal.

Once your main meal portion is reduced, naturally your weight will decrease too. I know it is tough for you in the beginning but once you habit is form up, you will be able to do that without much problem and struggle and start to enjoy eating lesser.

Lose Belly Fat Tip #2

Do short exercises. People who are eager to lose weight always make this mistake on pushing too hard on themselves which in turn cause them to dislike exercises. Instead of that, this is what you should do, when you are watching TV programme, you can take up a hula hoop with weight and do some rotation on your waist for around 10 minutes.

Just do that 10 minutes every day and you should be able to see results in 3 weeks. Just stick to the 2 tips that I have given you and I am sure you will enjoy exercise more and lose belly weight faster.

For More Related Topics Blog: How Much Should I Eat To Lose Weight

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