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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Free Weight Loss For Teens - Some Guidelines to Follow

Being a teenager can be one of the best or worst times of your life. A lot of it depends upon your view of how you look, especially your weight. If you are someone or know someone who struggles with weight as teenager, this article can help. What we are going to talk about is free weight loss for teens. These are principals and tips that helped me lose weight when I was in high school.

First it is important to understand that weight loss is never easy. It will be work and it can be very difficult at times to stay consistent. The free weight loss for teens advice is exactly what I did to lose weight during my teen years. I will tell you this: being skinny in high school made it far more easy for me. Here is what I did:

Break a sweat daily: My favorite method was running. I think this is one of the best because not only do you build your cardiovascular health but you lose weight. Run 5 days a week, and keep adding distance as time goes on so you challenge yourself.

Don't eat late: I made it a rule to never eat past 7pm. I had read that the later you eat in the evening the higher chance that food would get stored as fat. So this helped me tremendously.

No Drive Thrus: stay away from the fast food. If you must eat it, keep it to once or twice a month. This group of foods is one of the worst for teenagers.

By just following these three simple steps I was able to lose over 20 pounds when I was in high school. The free weight loss for teens is just a simple way to keep the pounds off and keep yourself feeling good.

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