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Sunday, September 29, 2013

A Great Weight Loss Diet

A great weight loss diet is the key to losing weight. Most people that try to lose weight know it's important to practice good eating habits they don't understand just how important it is. They focus on exercising and working out. This is also crucial to your success but not nearly as important as finding a great eating program.

Your diet actually accounts for 80% of the weight you lose while exercising only takes care of 20%. With that said, finding a great eating program is of the utmost importance. This eating plan should be designed specifically for you and caters directly to your likes and dislikes. This will make it possible for you to eat your favorite food and still manage to lose a lot of weight.

The reason most people cheat during their diet or quit it completely is because they are forced to eat foods they don't like. These popular diets also remove their favorite foods from their meals, which also leads them to cheat. If you are already eating your favorite foods with your diet, there is no reason to cheat or quit.

The major change will come into play during your meals. Instead of consuming the traditional big meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will be eating smaller more frequent meals. This will allow your body to function at its optimal level and help you break down and digest food the quickest. This will allow you to burn the most calories possible throughout the day and night.

The big meals put too much strain on the body. Your metabolism slows down as it can't handle the workload of these huge meals. This doesn't allow you to burn the most calories and in turn, you won't lose much if any weight at all.

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