If you have been overweight for years then you will benefit from the effective weight loss tips found in this article. We can become strangely comfortable with our weight when we have been carrying it around for a long time but this doesn't mean we have to keep tolerating it. If you are feeling ready to make a change and lose the weight then I encourage you to take a couple of minutes and read on.
Effective Weight Loss Tips
1. Keep a food journal. It will help you to bring your conscious awareness to how much and what types of foods you are eating on a daily basis. In fact a study showed that people who kept a daily food journal where able to lose 2 times more weight than those who did not.
2. Stock your house with whole grains. You will benefit greatly by removing refined and overly processed foods from your home and replacing them with whole grain/high-fiber carbs. The more refined a carbohydrate is the quicker it digests and this causes your body to increase fat storage.
3. Begin by eating mindfully. A wonderful way to turn around bad eating habits is to practice mindful eating. For the rest of this week turn off all distractions (TV, computer, etc.) while you eat and take the time to notice how you food looks, smells, sounds as you bite into it, feels in your mouth and tastes. This makes you slow down, appreciate the taste of foods more and naturally eat less feeling every bit as satisfied.
If you have been overweight for years then start using these effective weight loss tips every day and you will soon see the results on the scale.
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